Since 1997 I started Aerosmith tribute as the first European Aerosmith tribute band. I had the chance to meet Steven and the rest of Aerosmith in person at their show in Naples in 1999, at the invitation of Marinella Carraro’s Italian Aerosmith Fan Club. I was particularly impressed by the kindness of Steven who was really interested in learning about the band as a tribute phenomenon, he invited us to watch the show from the stage. What such a brilliant and exciting show!!! That night Steven gave me as a present his C harmonica to play Pink at our live-acts. His personality, his generosity and his talent confirmed what I thought it might have been like to meet him. I realized that I was paying homage to something very special, multicolored, glittering, luminous, ethereal and genuinely true at the same time.
I’m still doing it, still in love with this legendary band, probably the greatest American rock band ever.
With much love to you Bad Boys of Boston
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In Live
Monsters of tribute – Live 18.05.2021
Luca Celletti & Stazione Birra Presentano “MONSTERS OF TRIBUTE” Il grande Hard Rock internazionale con le migliori Tribute Band italiane VENERDI 18 giugno 2021 STAZIONE BIRRA Morena (Roma) Si svolgerà il 18 giugno prossimo, presso “STAZIONE BIRRA”, noto live club capitolino l’evento rock “MONSTERS OF TRIBUTE” Una serata che ispirandosi...
Tour Dates
All Dates- 9 Ago2025TRIBUTE BEACH 2024 – Velence (H)TRIBUTE BEACH Velence HU
- 1 Ago2025SESSANTOTTO VILLAGE – Rome (I)sessantotto Village
- 26 Lug2025LENDAS DO ROCK FESTIVAL – Corroios – (PT)LENDAS Do Rock
- 19 Lug2025ROCK N RIBS FESTIVAL 2025 – Wincanton Racecourse (UK)ROCK N RIBS UK